MS Excel Lesson 02

Worksheet, Rows, Columns and Cells in Excel


Worksheet is also called spreadsheet. It is made up of rows, columns and cells.


Rows run horizontally across the worksheet and ranges from 1 to 1048576. A row is identified by the number that is on left side of the row, from where the row originates.


Columns run vertically downward across the worksheet and ranges from A to XFD - 1 to 16384. A column is identified by a column header that is on the top of the column, from where the column originates.


Cells are small boxes in the worksheet where we enter data. A cell is the intersection of a row and column. It is identified by row number and column header such as A1, A2.

Moving across the worksheet in Excel

There are multiple options to move across the worksheet using mouse and keyboard.

You can scroll the work sheet up or down by rolling mouse wheel or using vertical scroll bar. In a similar way, you can use horizontal scroll bar to move the work sheet horizontally towards left or right side.

How to enter data in Excel

Select a cell with a single click where you want to enter data; cell B3 is selected in the image given below. Then double click in the cell to enter data. You can enter text, numbers and formulas in the cell.

After entering data, you can press Tab key to move to next column and can press Enter key to move to next row. You can press arrow keys for more options to move to other cells.

How to select data in Excel

There are various options to select data. The most common way is a left click on the cell then dragging the mouse over the data you want to select. Start from the upper-left cell of the data, as cell B3 in the image given below

How to delete data, rows and columns in Excel

How to Delete Data

Select the data you want to delete, right click on it then select delete option from the menu. You can also delete it by pressing Delete key on the keyboard. See the image:

How to Delete a Row

Select the row by a left click on the row number then right click and select the Delete option. If you want to delete more rows drag the mouse downward to select more rows. See the image:

How to Delete a Column

Select the column by a left click on the column header then right click and select Delete option. To delete more columns drag the mouse horizontally left or right to select more columns. See the image:

How to move data in Excel

Select the data you want to move, right click on it then select the cut option then select the cell where you want to shift the data. Right click on the selected cell and select paste option. Data will be moved to the desired location.

How to copy paste data in Excel

Select the data, right click on it then select Copy option. Now select the cell where you want to paste the data then right click on it and select Paste option. After selecting the data, you can also press Control+C to copy and Control+V to paste the data. To undo the changes you can press Control+Z.

How to use spell check in Excel

Select the data then click on the review tab it will display spelling command in the left corner of the ribbon. Left click on it or press F7. If there is any spelling mistake in the data, the spell check will suggest corrections in the spelling dialogue box. See the image:

How to insert symbols and special characters in Excel

Select the cell where you need the symbol. Then click on the Insert tab and select Symbol command, on the right end of the ribbon. It will display a number of symbols, choose the desired symbol and click on Insert option then close the box. Symbol will be added to the desired cell. Special characters can be added in a similar way, you need to follow Insert > Symbol > Special Characters. See the image:

How to do addition in Excel

See the image, showing the addition of 10, 20 and 30.

Choose the cell where you want the result to appear as cell C6 in this example. Then type = sign in the cell, now select first cell C3 then type "+" sign then select second cell C4, again type + and select third cell C5. Now press the enter key, you will get the sum of these three numbers.

The red arrow is showing the result of addition. See the image:

Using Sigma Button to do addition in Excel

Select the cell to display the result then in Home tab click on the Sigma button, on the right end of the ribbon. You will see the image given below:

Now select the list of data you want to add. You will see the image shown below, and then press the Enter key to get the result.

How to do subtraction in Excel

It is similar to addition just replace the plus "+" sign with minus sign "-".

Choose the cell where you want the result to appear as cell C6 in this example. Then type = sign in the cell, now select first cell C3 then type "-" sign then select second cell C4. Now press the enter key, you will get the subtraction of these two numbers.

How to calculate average in Excel

Select the cell to display the result e.g. cell C9 in the image shown below. Now type "=" sign in the cell and type "average" then type opening parenthesis. Now select the data, cells from C4 to C7 then press the Enter key to get the result.

Using Sigma Button to calculate average in Excel

Select the cell to display the result. In the Home tab click on the small arrow next to the Sigma button and left click on the Average option. You will see the image shown below. Then press the Enter key to get the result.